Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Heart

Dear Friends and Family,

So much happened during my trip to Zambia & So Africa last year. It's taken me a long time to sort through all that I went through and focus on my memories. Over the last few months God has done so much in my life and the lives of the orphans, widows, and African people that I worked with during the 2 months I spent in Africa.

Someone told me there is something about Africa that just changes you. I look back at my trip and seeing what God did, how He touched so many lives, and I've learned what they said was right: THERE IS something about Africa that changes you. My heart has been changed forever.

We ran a camp for orphans off the street and gave them some love, food and Gods word. To see their faces each day as we came out to huge groups of them was just indescribable. One of my team mates, Ryan, and I worked with a group of 15 boys ages 14-17. One of our boys was named "Bright." He had three younger brothers. He works in the mines 12 to 17 hours a day to provide for them and help them stay alive.

Also there was Macoka. He was 17 and he lost his dad when he was 1 year old. He also lost his mom when he was 10. So, he had to drop out of school and look for a job. When we met Macoka, he had no job. But, at camp we had the chance to help him know that the Lord was his hope and He would help him. He felt bad about being an orphan. We shared how the Lord cares for orphans and that they are special to Him. The day before we left Zambia he came to us and said because of
that hope he found a job and committed to a hope and love in Jesus.

The clincher in Africa: the men don't do any house work like washing the dishes or the clothes or anything. So, one day we had talked with our boys about how Jesus came down and He was a servant. He came to love those who did not feel love. We began washing their feet to show them that love. Ryan and I were washing the dishes. The boys were so surprised when they brought us the cups, that Ryan was washing dishes for them. It gave us another opportunity to share that Jesus was a servant and He came a long way to serve and color did not matter. All 15 of the boys got down and wash cups with us! Wow!! That was so not what they are used to. God worked in us and them.

Zambia was amazing!

In South Africa we went door to door and talked to people. Really showing them love by helping them wash their dishes , clothes and we even built a fence. It was hard but God really showed us how just serving allowed us the opportunity to talk about the Lord and people came to the Him and wow! What a miracle!

We went in to the schools and taught them and God gave us so many situations to share about him. The South African government is trying to make a student government in all the schools and we were able to talk to them about things that teens all over the world deal with like drugs, sex, alcohol, and gangs. God really worked through us. He gave us all the words to say.

Through every thing that went on God gave us the words to say, the way to act and so on. I could not have done any of this with out the prayers and support of all of you

14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the scriptures say "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Romans 10:14-15

Thank you. You are all people who sent me. You really played a big part of everything that went on, you helped us live out this verse.

Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

God did so many amazing things from the people and teens of south Africa and seeing the faces of the widows and orphans of Zambia I could not have done this without all of you thank you so much; for everything you have done for the people of Africa and in my life as a believer.

God has laid on my heart to go back to Zambia. My heart is truly with those people and the orphans.

I will once again be working with the organization: Every Orphans Hope. What drew me to this organization (after I met them through Global Expeditions last summer) is they found out there was 10 million people in Zambia and 2 million of those people are orphans. EOH - President & CEO Gary Schneider really did his research and asked why doesn’t anyone help the orphans and bring them the love of Christ? Many of the Zambian churches said they have tried but there is so many orphans they just can’t and they are ashamed of what they are unable to do.

In response to this need, EOH started: CAMP HOPE, a Bible camp outreach ministry designed to share the life transforming gospel of Jesus Christ with orphans. Working with and through local churches, the Word of God and the gospel of Christ are shared along with life application lessons, AIDS awareness/prevention
lessons, crafts, games, worship and prayer. The curriculum at the camp is designed to anchor four life-transforming messages in the hearts of the orphans: Truth, Faith, Hope and Love.

I’ve seen with my own eyes what a difference God make in these orphan’s live through Camp Hope, EOH, myself and others willing to stand with these needy kids.

For more information about Every Orphans Hope go to

When I went to Zambia the first time it took a lot to get there. I did not have all of the funds to go till the week before I left and God taught me how to really follow His will. But through all of that, I learned to rely on Him in all I do.

When I was there I fell in Love with Zambia. The Lord told me I was to go back to there. And while I wasn’t sure when or how that would happen... it has now become clear: I have been offered the chance to serve with Every Orphans Hope from May 25th though the end on July this year.

So I am asking once again if you could help me GO and love the orphans. So they can come to the Lord

If you are able to help in the way of funding please leave a comment to this post, include your email address, and I'll drop you a note with instruction on how you can help. All checks need to be made out to Every Orphans Hope, and put my name in the memo line. The total cost of this Missions Trip will be approx. $6000

But I don't just need financial help... I need your prayers as well

Prayers that God would be the center of all we do, that the Zambian people would come to know Him. And, that the team that is going would be effective. The main thing we are praying for is that God would receive the glory through everything that goes on in Zambia

If you would like to get more updates you can keep coming back here to my blog.

Thank you so much for how you have helped me go and the way many of you will help me go back

In our Lord God