Saturday, May 19, 2012

No One is too Far-Gone

No One is too far-gone

I am in the states, as you know. I am going to school for Social work, attending Tyler Junior College.  Here I meet many different people.  This campus is very lost many people need Jesus.  My heart breaks when I walk thru the halls and talk with people because I see their need for the Savior. When I started TJC I started helping with a ministry called the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM). The BSM has an event that is on Thursday nights called pancakes from 8-12pm we work in the kitchen making pancakes to not only feed the students,  but also the hearts of the people who come through the doors. I met someone at the BSM that I don’t think I will ever forget; a few weeks ago I guy came walking in asking if he could help us cook, so someone handed him a spoon and said, “have at it man. “  I was severing the bacon that night and we started talking.  Now you know when the spirit just puts someone heavy on your heart to pray for even of you never see him or her again.  He was this person for me.  My friend and I started praying for him.  We knew he was struggling we did not know the details. That was fine God was telling us to pray so we did.  The Lord told me not to preach the gospel to him because he already knew it.; I was told just show the gospel to him.  One day my friend and I were praying for him knowing the semester was almost over and there was little time left to serve this guy.  We wanted to see his life wrecked for Jesus to the point he could do nothing else then praise the Father with everything.  So we were praying for him before church. Praying that he would have an angel come to him and break the chains devil had on him because the enemy has no place in his life. We were asking for an angel to come to him and change him forever.  That night my friend picked him up for church (he almost did go).  They went to church and the prayer that was said over him hours before came true.  He had an encounter with God that night at church.  Later that night he called me sounding joyful.  He told me that he went out side of church to pray; at that moment he was praying, “Lord take my life! Take all of me! I give up”.  Then when he went back in a man came up and prayed over him. On the phone he said, “Katie, I think he was an angel.”  This blew me away because that was the prayer we were asking God to make Himself known through an angel and once again he came through.  There is now a guy that is wrecked for Jesus… praise God!!!!   
No one is ever to far from the kingdom.  Are job as believers is to love and be full of grace also to give love until it hurts.  God says come as you are, but he loves you too much to stay that way. Simply knowing and loving Jesus will change lives!!!                 

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